NAICS Code Append Service

A click away from your Customer's Doorstep

Having the NAICS code of each customer helps you to send targeted messages and fine tune your marketing. But, adding this information to your entire database is time consuming. The most widely accepted way to append an NAICS code to a record is through NAICS Code Append service..

Procure Data's NAICS Code Append service eliminates all the hassles in-house arrangements and outcomes include big savings for your company. We make use of our large database to pull out NAICS code and append it to respective contact.

How we run NAICS Code Append Service:

  • We use our 32 million opt-in business database to match with your file and add NAICS code to each record
  • Next, we manually verify each record for accuracy
  • After the verification, we deliver the updated file back to you

High match-rates for NAICS Code Append Projects:

We provide one of the highest match rates for NAICS Code Appending. Our project match-rate ranges from 75-95%.

Benefits of NAICS Code Append Service:

  1. Segment customers based on NAICS code and send personalized messages
  2. Improve targeting by adding relevant content
  3. Engage customers through relevant messages

We offer a no-obligation test drive for your NAICS Code Append Service. To arrange one, please call us at 626-210-3636 or email to [email protected].

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